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CrisisGo Safety CheckIn

Gather real-time data to inform the critical decisions you need to make informed decisions for your district and schools.


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Intelligent Safety Data Collection & Communication for Schools

The COVID-19 pandemic forced virtually every school in the United States to stop face-to-face instruction and close schools to comply with social distancing mandates. This unprecedented school closure forced district leaders to adopt new methods for delivering instruction, taking care of students, and continuing operations. When the pandemic has passed and social distancing is relaxed, Superintendents will be faced with the challenges of re-opening schools to staff and students.

Are the buildings cleaned, disinfected, and ready to be re-opened?

Are my staff members healthy and ready to return to their school?

Do we have the support staff to restart school operations - including cafeteria workers, bus drivers, and others?


Real-time Information & Local Data

CrisisGo's Safety CheckIn is a localized survey and status check tool that allows Superintendents and district administrators to frequently 'check-in' with their community and gather real-time data to inform critical decisions they must make.

See CrisisGo


Monitor the impacts of a pandemic or other crisis in and around the communities your schools serve.

Survey parents for household technology capabilities (devices, internet access, etc.) to deliver distance learning during extended school closures.

Two-way communication via email or SMS to quickly determine which students and families require assistance in a crisis situation.

Automatic escalation of alerts to local authorities to provide assistance as needed.




Incoming data can be used to inform district leadership when schools should be re-opened based on the spread or control of an illness in the area. It can be used after a natural disaster - like a tornado, earthquake, wildfire, or hurricane - to assess the impact on families and when it is appropriate to re-open schools. Districts can also use the tool to survey and collect data on staff members and assess the need for substitute teachers, paraprofessionals, cafeteria workers, bus drivers, and more.

Use Cases

Remote Workers

Deliver work-at-home directives, assistance, and updated information. Manage logistics of distributing required equipment, technology, and more.

Resource Assessment

Quickly assess the quantity, distribution, and availability of staff, buses and vehicles, medical supplies, protective equipment, and more.

Distance Learning Prep

Poll your community to determine the availability of devices, WiFi, and more required to ensure students and staff can be successful with remote instruction.

Mental Wellness

Quickly assess teacher morale and well-being with regular or ad-hoc surveys. Collect suggestions for coping and culture enhancements for continuous improvement.


Coordinate necessary teachers, substitutes, paraprofessionals, and other school staff; check availability status and ensure coverage for all schools in the district.

Questions & Concerns

Enable front offices to respond to incoming calls regarding health-related or student safety concerns.

"We LOVE the Safety CheckIn feature. I just got a request today from a staff member to add other people to it since it is so easy to use and the notification every morning is an excellent reminder to fill out the form. I think we will move toward having our families use the Safety CheckIn as well."
Heather Fishel
Marshall School

Get Started with CrisisGo Safety CheckIn

Share a little information about yourself and one of our representatives will show you how Safety CheckIn can help your district and schools assess risks and organize your recovery efforts.