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Guides to Developing Emergency Operations Plans and Training Programs for Schools

Guides to Developing Emergency Operations Plans and Training Programs for Schools

Ethan Woodman
April 5, 2023
In this podcast episode, the practical and physical aspects of school safety are discussed, with a focus on Emergency Operations Plans (EOPs). The episode defines key terms, including Comprehensive School Safety Plan, Emergency Operations Plan, Incident Action Plan, Individual Safety Plan, and School Safety Re-entry Plan. Listeners will learn about the importance of understanding Emergency Protective Actions (EPAs) and the "I Love U Guys" Foundation's Standard Response Protocols. The episode also covers the process of developing an EOP, including bringing in local experts and testing the plan. In addition, the episode provides guidance on creating an effective training plan for school safety, emphasizing that training is a shared responsibility that involves all school employees. Listeners will gain insight into the four key elements of the training process and tips for creating a successful plan that includes regular reviews and updates.

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