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What If ICE Comes for Your Students?

Kelly Moore
January 28, 2025

I understand the topic of undocumented students in our schools is a political hot button, but it needs to be discussed. I will try to take the politics and emotions out of this topic. As with every change in the presidency, there are changes in policies and practices that we will disagree with. If we react to these changes without fully understanding their impacts, there will likely be consequences that we cannot recover from. Strive to understand before you act. As school safety professionals, your job is to help your schools navigate through these changes. 

As we look into these coming changes and everything else we see in the school safety arena, start by asking yourself, how does this impact our school and the safety of our students and staff? That is your responsibility as a school safety professional. Once the impacts (threat and risk analysis) have been identified, now apply the “3 Pillars of School Safety” principles to the impacts: 

  1. Policies: Do you have policies that direct your staff on what to do and, just as important, what NOT to do should they be comfortable with immigration officials and their actions? Individual actions taken by your staff can open your organization to significant personal, professional, and organizational liability. In many cases, that liability can be both civil and criminal. This is a discussion your cabinet-level staff and the school board should have started on November 6th.  If it hasn’t yet had those discussions, then the next best day is today.

  2. Systems: Should they arise, systems and processes are in place to address these challenges. Should immigration officials contact one of your staff, what do you want them to do? How do you verify who they are and whether their actions are legal? I am not implying that you should question their actions based on your personal or political positions. Do they have the required documentation, the correct student, etc? How should your staff document the actions taken by both immigration officials and school staff? This documentation will be needed if your district is questioned about the actions taken. How do they complete their job with the least impact on yours?

  3. People: None of this will work if your staff and families don’t understand your role and what will happen if immigration officials visit your school. Once your policies and systems are in place, ensure all your staff know what is expected of them and the consequences of failing to follow the guidelines, expectations, and procedures.

I understand the political and emotional connections to this issue. It is important to maintain composure during potentially volatile situations. Having your policies, systems, and people in place and up to speed will be crucial. Engaging and communicating with all stakeholders during times like this is essential. It is also vital to ensure your legal counsel is on the same page from the beginning. Their guidance will be critical to your success. 

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